leadstreet teamed up with Bloovi to invite CEO International HubSpot Jeetu Mathtani to Conversion Day (June 2). Our very own content creator Jamie Biesemans had a presentation on content that converts.
The goals of your content
Does your content convert? If you are asking that question, you’re probably are not using content efficiently. Many companies are creating stories that do not attract the right audience, or -worse- fail to convince visitors. Great content should educate prospects and develop an interest in your brand, product or service. Above all, it should convert quality leads into customers.
Creating great content means understanding the needs of your customers. Jamie focused on how to create content that delivers on the questions of your leads, how to align stories and platforms with the different phases of the buyer journey, and how content can qualify your leads.
We have a brand new eBook on the topic of converting content.
Feel free to download it now!

Johan Vandecasteele
Managing partner leadstreet ✪ Diamond HubSpot Partner ✪ Top 50 HubSpot Agency worldwide ✪ 2020 HubSpot Champion User ✪ Member HubSpot Advisory Council EU
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