
Add Background Color using the { { modular } }  Hero Module

Step by step tutorial
Danica Corpuz
Danica Corpuz
Feb 26, 2019 12:12:28 PM

Modular Hero


Choosing the right color is important. As many marketers will tell you, color psychology has an enormous impact on how people perceive your business, how they respond to your marketing, and how they interact with you and your product. Here are the step by step guide on how to add a background color using the { { modular } } Hero module

Select a good background color

View the video and have a look at our step-by-step process below:


Step 1: Go to the Modular Hero
Step 2: Click Change background settings here
Step 3: Choose a color from the choices or choose from the color picker
Step 4: ....

And you are all done! Godspeed!  

Danica Corpuz

Danica Corpuz

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